On December 12,
Fox Business Network’s Eric Bolling invited a FFRF representative onto his show to discuss the group’s anti-Christian stance.
During a dialogue with FFRF spokesperson Dan Barker ... “Follow the Money” host Eric Bolling was so dumbfounded by the group’s anti-Jesus views that he ended up booting the atheist-spokesperson off of the program. ... Barker claimed that America is not a Christian nation and that the nativity should not be present on government property. He went on to say that the nativity represents "an insult to human nature that we are all doomed and damned." ...
[Later,] "Why was Jesus born? To save us from our sins. What an insult that we are degraded, depraved human beings — that Jesus created a hell — a place or torture," Barker quipped. "And how would you feel if you didn’t believe that… superstition?"
If you want to overdose on concentrated stupidity, read the comments.
There even was a bodily fluids reference (Dr. Strangelove) in the comments!