It's not really a good sign when Paul Campos opens his call for unity, How to build a mass political movement to empower the poor and working class, with an example of a jackass saying something dumb (quoting ComrⒶde Cooper saying, "[I]f you’re a nonvegan, you are not a leftist"). Jackasses of every political affiliation say say stupid shit all the time. It's just noise with zero political significance.
Sure, the Party of Trump Republican party is actually fascist, and there are a lot of people opposed to fascism; however, fascism is a very particular strain (and a particularly malevolent strain) of authoritarianism, and there are a lot of authoritarians, and other varieties of assholes, who are not fascists.
The Democratic party has been the party of neoliberal authoritarianism since Carter. Neoliberal authoritarianism isn't fascism, and is less pernicious than outright fascism, but it's still an anti-worker authoritarian ideology.
Campos's implication is clear: if you don't support the mainstream neoliberal "resistance" to Trumpian fascism, then you're just like that dumbass vegan who is undermining the mass movement. If you're not part of our opposition to fascism, then you're objectively pro-fascist, n'est ce pas?
I've said this for years: it's not enough to declare, even sincerely, that you're against fascism. It's not enough to say that your brand of authoritarianism is slightly less obnoxious than their brand of authoritarianism.
If you want the support of the working class, you have to actually support the working class. Biden does not want to support the working class. The Democratic party does not want to support the working class. You don't need all the votes to win; I guess you don't want mine.
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