Today's column is an answer to an anonymous letter I received recently in response to my column on April 5, titled “To Atheists: Why Not Play It Safe?” [sadly, behind a paywall -BFB] If you didn't read it, it was a case for “faith,” not using biblical quotations, only pure logic. . . .
Dear Atheist: . . . In your letter, you ask: “Have you ever read anything by Bertrand Russell, Bernard Katz or Richard Dawkins? Open your mind and educate yourself. Belief in the supernatural is demonstrably far, far easier than thinking for yourself.” Well, in college I encountered the writings of several superintellectual, but not very intelligent, self-serving gurus like Bertrand Russell, Immanuel Kant and others, but they are all passé, as is Darwin's “Tree of Life,” which recently has been scientifically discredited. See the DVD “The Case for a Creator” by Lee Strobel for scientific details.
According to the article, the author, Bob Thomas, "is a retired high-tech industrialist who later served on the Carson City School Board, the state welfare board, the airport authority and as a state assemblyman."
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