Atheists Affirm the Superiority of Christianity
I recently read an atheist cartoon—yes, there are such things. It was mocking the worship of an “invisible, inscrutable, and vindictive deity.”
Rather than be offended, I actually thought, “Hmm, an atheist affirms the superiority of Christianity!” . . .
Now, I’m sure that by “invisible,” the typical atheist is mocking all theists as believers in a myth—something or someone that is unseen because he does not exist. [No, "invisible" means unseen, or, more broadly, imperceptible] . . .
Christianity is superior to all “faiths” because Christians believe in Christ—God visible, God in the flesh, God incarnate—active and engaged. . . .
Again, I’m sure that by “inscrutable,” the typical atheist is mocking all theists as believers in a false deity whose ways cannot be defended. [No, "inscrutable" means "incapable of being investigated, analyzed, or scrutinized; impenetrable."] . . .
Christianity is superior to all “faiths” because Christians believe in Christ—the Word, the Logos, who communicates, reveals, makes know, and explains God personally. . . .
It’s quite clear that by “vindictive” the atheist is mocking all theists as believers in a cruel being who capriciously sends undeserving beings to eternal damnation. [Ok, you got that one right.] . . .
Christianity is superior to all “faiths” because Christians believe in Christ who, though He had no sin, became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21). We worship the God of holy-love who does not wink at sin as if He were an unjust judge, but instead, defeats sin by the death and resurrection of His Son. . . .
I agree with the atheist. No one should worship a god who is “invisible, inscrutable, and vindictive.”
Christianity is far superior to all faiths because Christians believe in the Trinitarian God revealed in Christ as the incarnate, immanent God of holy-love.
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