"OK, atheism is not a religion and it’s certainly not a moral code." . . . This is a statement typical of the absolute idiocy of atheism. At least Christian nutjobs will admit that it’s faith and not reason that is behind their stupid ideas…but Atheists have not only the idiocy to mistake their faith for reason, but also the arrogance to then believe what they mistake for reason makes them better than anyone else. . . .
[T]o not believe in God is an act of faith.
You have no proof that God doesn’t exist. Further it is logically impossible, let me repeat LOGICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, to prove a negative. Thus to believe in something that cannot be proven in any way, shape, or form, is an act of faith. It is believing in something you can’t know, and can’t prove, ever. That’s faith. That’s about as close to the definition of faith and religion as you can get.
“But you don’t have any proof that God does exist either” the standard line goes. You’re right, except for the logical impossibility of an infinite regression series in causality, the fact the big bang statistically should have produced as much matter and anti-mater making a psychical universe all but impossible, the fact that random chemicals can’t just turn into self replicating cells, the fact that evolved chimps can’t just magically become sentient, the fact that near death experiences show that memories are formed when there is no electrical charge in the brain, and a thousand other pieces of evidence that suggest that there is a soul and a God…yes, I have no evidence. And while each piece of evidence I could bring up could be explained away on its own, the totality of it suggests quite strongly that there is a God.
And the stupid goes on.
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