Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Immigration and labor

A reader brings to my attention Joe Mostowey's essay on immigration and labor:
The illegal immigration problem is more accurately described as a labor problem.

In todays right-to-work era, free market, and what the market will bear pricing, it is only natural for employers, who have no loyalty to countries or communities to seek out the lowest priced labor possible.

They did this in the era before labor unions too. They imported Chinese to build railroads, Africans to pick cotton, poor Europeans to be laborers. ...

We already know that the Media, and Businesses have a vested interest in keeping the status quo, in keeping the flow of immigrant workers as high as possible to prevent the a rise in the cost of labor.

Until the worker in America realizes that as an individual he or she has no voice, no power and no future, the illegal immigrant will continue to replace him, will contine to lower labor costs and devalue the the only product he has -his labor.

Interestingly enough, Paul Krugman writes today on the curious politics of immigration:
[M]y take on the politics of immigration is that it divides both parties, but in different ways. ...

On one side, [Democrats] favor helping those in need, which inclines them to look sympathetically on immigrants... On the other side, however, open immigration can’t coexist with a strong social safety net. ...

Republicans, on the other hand, either love immigration or hate it. The business-friendly wing of the party likes inexpensive workers... [b]ut the cultural/nativist/tribal conservatives hate having these alien-looking, alien-sounding people on American soil.