As most philosophy dictionaries and encyclopedias, like those published by Routledge and Stanford, clearly state, TRUE atheism is the belief or view that affirms there is no God or Gods. Labeling yourself an atheist but failing to make this claim means you are not an atheist. ... [atheism's] best supporting arguments [were] demolished by a revolution in theist thought beginning in about the latter half of the 20th century, led by intellectuals like [snicker] Michael Behe, Francis Collins, [chuckle] William Lane Craig, [guffaw] William Dembski, John Lennox, Alister McGrath, [snort] Alvin Plantinga, John Polkinghorne, Hugh Ross and [howls of derisive laughter, Bruce] Richard Swinburne, to name a few. ...
[A]theists will usually just make their statements then resort to angry, vitriolic, hyperbolic attacks against those who do not hold those same sentiments, including agnostics.
One cannot help but notice, of course, that the post offers no argument, just a vitriolic, hyperbolic attack against those who do not hold the same sentiments as the post author.
The article wisely links to Conservipedia when the wiki page itself has many criticisms :-)