Yes, it's the Huffington Post, so you know it's going to be stupid.
Military personnel who identify themselves as "Atheists" have requested chaplains to tend to their spiritual needs. ...
Those identifying themselves specifically as "Atheist" composed the 18th largest group of 43 possible categories of "self-described religious identification." ...
Atheists routinely, strategically, and often vociferously position what is often described as their "secular-humanist" views against religious traditions. ...
Consider all the comments made by self-identified Atheists on articles published in the Religion section of the Huffington Post. ... This assertive, us-against-them tone (in this case, against established religion) is characteristic of new religions. ...
Taken together, these four elements suggest that Atheists regularly demonstrate attributes -- desire for spiritual sustenance, the importance of self-identification, offering their worldview as an alternative to other religious systems, and an assertive if not competitive style of engagement with other religious points of view -- usually exhibited by religious folk of all persuasions.
I see it not infrequently: the worst way theists can think of to insult atheists is to call atheism a religion.
(via Tufts Freethought Society, who delivers the smackdown)
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