Perhaps the most vividly convincing evidence of what happens to a society when atheist principles are put into practice on a grand scale are the repressive, totalitarian, genocidal horrors wrought by atheists during the 20th century. Avowed atheists such as Stalin and Mao systematically imposed atheist principles as state policy, and in the processes liquidated more than 100 million men, women and children. ...
Obviously, we Christians have a lot of work to do to help atheists see that even if individual Catholics are [also] guilty of such things, the question of whether God does or does not exist is in no way predicated upon the behavior of those who believe he exists.
There's some stupid in part 1 as well, but nothing nearly as dramatic.
You present a false dichotomy of how when humans do not adopt Christian morals they automatically are followers of atheist policies. I'm afraid that's not the case and it really is unscrupulous on your part to heap on the "atheist = Stalin" label. Thankfully most rational beings are able to see right through your ad Hitlerum tactics. Nice try!
ReplyDeleteIn case you didn't notice, I'm quoting the linked website that makes the comparison, and calling it burningly stupid. Your criticism might be better directed at the original.