Sunday, January 02, 2011

The Stupid! It Burns! (seven deadly sins edition)

the stupid! it burns! The Seven Deadly Sins of Athiests (bad spelling is apparently one of the seven deadly sins of theists):
1. Atheists have no problem holding hate in their heart, especially against those who have found God. ...
2. Atheists think they know. ...
3. Atheists are hypocrites. ...
4. Atheists lie. ...
5. Atheists are cowardly. ...
6. Atheists are disagreeable. ...
7. Atheists kill. ...
Update: ChristWire is a parody site. Poe's Law! Thanks, Scottish Phil!


  1. Scottish Phil1/2/11, 8:57 AM

    I think it's a spoof. See also this by the same author:

  2. I must say, this article is a little silly....

    But it isn't really that different from the article from the Daily Kos you linked to just prior. So I think you can be forgiven for making the mistake.


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