Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Stupid! It Burns! (freedom edition)

the stupid! it burns! This gem doesn't really capture the point of Atheists are Bullies; it's hard to figure out the author's actual point, much less the quality of his support. But wow.
You are completely entitled to freedom of expression. However, if you use that freedom to be an insufferable prick - you're on your own when the consequences of being an insufferable prick come back to haunt you. So don't come crying to me to help protect your freedom of expression. If that's how you're going to use it, as far as I'm concerned you don't deserve it.


  1. EssexAtheist1/19/12, 9:19 AM

    Interesting how it opens with total acceptance of freedom then ends with total refusal of real freedom.

  2. How does using my freedom of expression to express an opinion on whether or not a certain form of expression is a good use of that freedom amount to total refusal?

  3. Please address the chair. If you want to have a private conversation, use email.


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