(Sometimes the headlines just write themselves.)
Re: Atheists cause trouble over 11-million-dollar Christmas treeinAbuDhabi :) Feel free, any time you feel like, to show us where Anthony Flew failed in his understanding of biology and how you are smarter than him. [Note: Anthony Flew is a philosopher, not a biologist.] ...
Do you realize how stupid you and other atheists are to compare belief in God to believing in Mickey Mouse? It just shows that you don't have a clue, it shows that you are stupider than Mickey mouse's turds. How many churches have been erected to Mickey Mouse? How many have given their lives because they have seen Mickey mouse raised from the dead? The truth is, I know you hate the truth, but here it is, believing we are here without a creator has much more in common to Mickey Mouse than believing in God does. So put your Mickey mouse ears on and have faith in anti-science like all the mousekateer atheists do!