Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Florien Finds a Fucktard

Daniel Florien of Unreasonable Faith presents bwinwright's fucktardery on Allvoices:
[A]theism is a false idea because it is based on the false premise that orderliness does not require intelligent direction.
His proof?
I ask them to give me a single example of anything, outside of what they call nature, that came into being without intelligent direction. Of course, they can not. Everything manufactured by man required intelligent direction, right?
It's not all bad, though. "[D]ueling with atheists has made me a more patient, accepting, and loving person." 'Tis a pity it didn't make him any smarter.


  1. "I ask them to give me a single example of anything, outside of what they call nature, that came into being without intelligent direction."

    And I ask him to give me a single provable example of anything outside of nature, period.

  2. I ask them to give me a single example of anything, outside of what they call nature...


  3. That sentence read to me as really stupid at first, as I was thinking of "nature" as in naturalism, in which case a naturalist obviously wouldn't be able to name anything. It took me a few seconds to realize that he probably means "nature" as in forests and stuff.

    It's still pretty stupid, though, as most people use that sense of "natural" to mean something close to, "not the result of human manufacturing," in which case the sentence is roughly the same as, "I ask them to give me a single example of a square circle."

    On an unrelated note, "Florien Finds a Fucktard" sounds like the title of a Doctor Seuss book.

  4. "Florien Finds a Fucktard" sounds like the title of a Doctor Seuss book.

    I was going for that gag. :-)

  5. The null set HAS NOTHING IN IT! SO THERE!


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